Agency Actions

Administrative actions taken by SITLA are reported in the Director’s Actions. These actions are considered to be final agency actions under Utah Code Ann. § 53C-1-304(2) and Utah Administrative Code R850-8 for purposes of administrative review of the decision.

Decisions by the Director to lease, sell, or exchange specific real property are by law non-appealable. For agency actions which may be appealed, a written petition must be submitted in the form required by Utah Administrative Code R850-8 within 14 days from the date of the Director’s Action, or the action will become final and not subject to further appeal. Director’s Actions are posted on the Agency’s website on the first business day of each week, excluding state holidays, and become effective as of 5 p.m. on the date of posting.

Current Agency Actions

Posting DateAppeal DateStatus

Other Agency Actions

  • Older Agency Actions can be found on Public Agency Document Search.
  • Please note FAA is Final Agency Action. Weeks where no actions took place contain a file with a postfix of NOFAA. Combined board minutes and final agency actions are indicated by COMFAA.

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