Instructions for the Competitive Bid Process for Expiring Grazing Permits

Introduction – Grazing permits on Utah Trust Lands are generally valid for a 15-year term. When a grazing permit is set to expire, typically on June 30th of the year, competing bids on the expiring permit will be accepted by the Agency from April 1 through April 30, or the next working day if either of these days is a holiday or weekend.

Expiring Permits – All permits which are expiring, as well as cancelled permits which are becoming available, will be posted on the Agency’s website in February of each year.

Finding an Expiring Permit – Starting in February of each year, expiring grazing permits are located by clicking on the link above.  A link can also be found in the News Feed section of the website. The expiring grazing permits are organized by County. Under each expiring grazing permit, additional information is available such as acreage, AUMs, livestock type and season of use, and the type of assessment fee applicable to the permit.

Grazing Assessment Type – Certain trust lands are categorized as High Value Grazing Lands. These lands are usually, but not necessarily, contained in one of the many larger land blocks around the state. These lands noted as Block on the expiring grazing permit table, have an assessment fee that is somewhat higher than the typical scattered section which is noted as Standard on the table. Contact the permit administrator for information on current assessments.

Submitting a Competing Application – A competing grazing permit application must be submitted on forms available on the website or at any Agency office. The application must be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee, a one-time bonus bid, and a range improvement reimbursement, if applicable. A copy of the brand registration card is also required.

Range Improvements – If a range improvement, for which the current permittee paid all or a portion of the costs, exists on the permitted land, a competing bidder must submit an amount sufficient to reimburse the current permittee. To determine this amount, a competing bidder will have to contact the permit administrator.

Application Review – All applications, including competing applications, will be evaluated by the Agency and accepted only if the application will not create problems with trespass, range and resource management, or access.

Preference Right – The current permittee has a preference right to match a competing application and retain the grazing permit.

To submit a competing application for an expiring grazing permit, please complete the Competing Grazing Application form and submit it with all applicable fees.

Contact Information
Northern Utah
Ethan Hallows


Southwestern Utah
Scott Chamberlain


Southeastern Utah
Slate Stewart


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